Friday, January 26, 2007

In the meanwhile...

In the meanwhile, he scrambles through interior south India, perambulates the streets of the village, Kumbokonam, and marvels the countryside. He is confronted with images of where he came from. He finds people in poverty completely oblivious to the riches of the world. He finds adolescents devoting their entire lives to temples and helping the needy. He wonders what goes through their minds. He wonders how they live in dilapidated shelters when anything short of 5th Ave makes him scowl.

He visits the place his grandfather used to frequent and meets his peers, many of whom discarded by their posterity. He finds the inevitability of old age unnerving. He finds those who built their lives and lives of many others, living in utter dependence. They are about to complete the circle.

He realises yet again, life is toooooooo short! He recalls he has a great life back home (NYC), and smiles :)

(p.s. that is my photography professor at NYU; he emotes on queue!)